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Wednesday, 25 September 2013

40 Day sadhana for Gratitude

Now on a 40-day sadhana for Gratitude is happening, join us it is just wonderful. Doing this meditation for the first time this morning after my usual sadhana, I could feel the power of Gratitude make my whole sadhana more effective and powerful, as I have been working on many issues, subconscious issues, I felt after this new sadhana it had lifted me up and given me a powerful feeling of gratitude to be able to heal on such a deep level. The feeling came over me of just being so blessed, to be alive, to be filled with joy and gratitude for everything in my life. being able to see the positive even in the negative, being able to turn around the negative seeing what I am learning from it and being so grateful for the lesson. Come and join us and share the experience with us! We are a day ahead here in NZ, this means for anyone else around the world get yourself ready the sadhana starts on the 26th of September!
Day seven!
Having done this sadhana for seven days now, it is interesting that all throughout the day I have become aware of the things I am grateful for and I say to myself "oh I am so grateful!" Being thankful for everything in my life in my day. Focusing on the things I am grateful for throughout the day makes me realise how blessed I am. It is a wonderful feeling to be so positive and grateful.
Day 20!
Halfway through the 40-day sadhana, keep it up. Sometimes it is hard to find something we are grateful for especially when we are struggling or when things have gone bad for us. Over the past few days I had many challenges, but by doing this meditation I have been able to see that even in the middle of struggles there were things I could be grateful for, and by being grateful it made it easier to get through the struggles. We can be grateful for being able to learn from our struggles, we can be grateful to be alive. Be grateful for being able to wiggle your toes, your fingers, that your body is moving, that you can see and hear, be grateful for the fact that you can do this 40-day sadhana, for having a tool to help you through the challenges. Be grateful that you can grow from your challenges! There are so many things we can be grateful for, even the little things in life. Keep it up!
Day 40; well already day forty it is amazing how great it feels to be grateful every day. To find something to be grateful about, and every day is bringing such a positive feeling. It takes away all the negativity and helps in being so much more positive. This positive energy attracts more positive energy, things fall into place, opportunities come along. So, even so, the 40 days are over don't forget to be grateful for the things you have and for being alive find something to be grateful for, every day, say thank you and be aware of all the good in your life.

Lake Wanaka

Saturday, 8 June 2013

To sooth the Heart Ong SoHung Peace is in me...

Sit in easy pose or on a chair with a straight spine. Bring your left hand to your heart centre but not touching. The right hand in Gyan mudra resting on your knee. Eyes 1/10 open focus on tip of the nose. Chant the mantra ong sohung the ong is chanted from the back of your throat, nose. And allow the sohung to vibrate in your heart chakra. You can find this mantra on YouTube, Ong So Hung by Snatam Kaur. I am peace and peace is within me chant at the end of meditation.
You can find a more advanced version of Ong Sohung meditation in Transition to a heart centred world by Gururattan Kaur Khalsa PhD and Ann Marie Maxwell which works really well on soothing the heart too.

I have been doing the easier meditation, left hand in front of the heart centre and right hand in Gyan mudra resting on the knee, for quite a while now and find it so soothing, it calms the heart, it makes me peaceful and from my left hand I can feel the healing energy flowing through my heart.

In this meditation compared to the Sat Kartar meditation, I feel that it is so soothing and peaceful. I find I often do this after the Sat Kartar meditation and it is as if it just finishes off the healing I feel like Sat Kartar meditation helps to open the heart centre and to heal deep grief, deep disappointment and Ong Sohung brings peace into the heart, it protects the heart it soothes the heart and allows the heart centre to be open vulnerable but peaceful and a feeling of being connected to the divine.
I love both of these meditations and I have found so much healing from them both. I need to add that this meditation just feels so snugly it feels warm and caring.

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Caring the earth


Monday, 27 May 2013

meditation to surrounding yourself with protection "Chii-a" kriya

Chii-a Kriya can be found in the book; reaching me in me. Kundalini yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan.

Using the mantra Har Haray Haree Wah Hay Guru has been one of my favourite Kriya. It has made me feel so good, so protected and when I start doing this Kriya I just want to go on and on it is hard to stop. To surround yourself with protection is wonderful and what I have felt is that it is protecting me from myself, from my self-sabotaging tendency, from my putting myself down, it is protecting me from being so hard on myself, it just makes me feel good and positive.

Yogi Bhajan said; if nothing else in your life works, do this meditation. When the enemies overcome, do this meditation.
We have the saying; we are our own worst enemy and it is so true. We punish ourselves, we get angry at ourselves, we put ourselves down, we don't like ourselves, everything we do is not good enough, we are never satisfied. This is the meditation to protect ourselves from ourselves.
Since I have been doing this meditation, I have felt more positive and when I start to say I am not good enough I straight away say yes I am, I can do this, I can be this.

What has amazed me is that this is one of these meditations I am hooked on I just love it and want to do it and it just feels good.
It changes the negative into positive. It is protection from all four directions and from up and down. Chii-a means six protection from all six directions.
It is a meditation to protect you from bullies, from being bullied at schools or at your workplace.
Since I have been doing this meditation I have noticed that people around me are changing in the way they behave toward me. Or my feeling of how they behave toward me is changing. I do not feel used anymore and I also do not feel so small or inferior to others.


Saturday, 25 May 2013

Humee Hum Tumee tum Wahe Guru

At the moment I am participating with the Global Sadhana Humee Hum Tumee Tum Wahe Guru I am Thine in mine, myself Wahe Guru meditation through .
Recognizing that the other person is you. This is quite an amazing meditation, I love the mantra and the music and it makes me honoured to be able to be part of this global Sadhana.
It has made me think and observe, every time I may think of someone negative I look at it and see how I can recognize myself in this. I bring this negativity that I see the other person in my heart and as I do this I understand what it is about me that I see this negativity in.
I can then understand the other and feel that we are really all one.
One example I can give is that when the sceptics attack alternative medicine and are so against it, I recognize their passion in their belief, it is the same passion I have in the opposite belief, that passion shows us we are all one and the different beliefs show us the uniqueness of each other. Our beliefs are always slightly different from each other, but the passion we have for it is the same it comes from that oneness, from the source.

This I also feel with nature we are in nature and nature is within us we are one with all of nature including the animals and plants. To know this helps me to be more compassionate toward everything and everyone. It allows me to see the other side, the other point of view with compassion, but it also allows me to more fully be me, myself.

When I am chanting the mantra I bring the humee hum to my heart, I feel the compassion, the Tumee Tum I bring to my throat chakra, this brings the feeling to me of my uniqueness, I bring the wahe guru to my 3 rd eye point and it fills me with joy
I bring the I am thine in mine to my heart, it helps to connect with the other and see my reflexion in the other person, I bring myself to my throat chakra and again it allows me to be unique jet connected to the oneness. And then bringing the wahe guru to the 3rd eye point again it brings me and the joy and the connectedness to all living things.

Since practising Kundalini Yoga I have been able to heal many aspects of myself, I have been able to learn and understand myself more. It is a journey and a tool to walk my journey in joy and contentedness and being able to get through any challenges life throws at us.

When someone criticises me I understand now that I am also their mirror as they are my mirror, this helps me to be forgiving and have compassion and love for them instead of feeling hurt or offended.
Recognising that the other is me and understanding that also I am the other but the other may not recognise themselves in me makes it easier to forgive.

Lake wanaka


Thursday, 23 May 2013

Meditation for grief and the heart

A few weeks ago I had old grief coming to the surface again, and I was just crying all day. Four years ago I had lost my soul mate dog Monalisa to bone cancer at an early age of 4 1/2 years. I was so devastated, angry, feeling guilty, and I was ready to quit life altogether, I felt there was no use, the most important thing in my life had been taken from me. I blamed everyone, and everything for my loss and I despised myself for having become so bitter, frustrated and angry.
It was in this desperation I came across pranayama and from there to Kundalini Yoga. In my blog you can read how pranayama has helped me in so many ways.
But back to a few weeks ago, when this old grief about Monalisa resurfaced during my working on my 3rd chakra.
I felt all this ugliness again, I felt so much pain and guilt it just ripped my heart to pieces I could not do anything else but cry.
Then I started humming in my mind Sat Kartar. I remembered that not so long ago I did a 40-day Sadhana through, so I went to the website and checked out what it was all about; it is about opening your heart to love, to allow the flow of love through your heart. When the heart is in pain, grief and sadness and you feel there is no love only darkness, then do this meditation;
You can find it in the Book the Aquarian Teacher KRI International Teacher Training in Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan or on the website of You can also find the translation of Sat Kartar there.
I did this meditation for 11 minutes, and my heart felt better I sat quiet and bought Monalisa into my heart I cuddled her in my heart and then said goodbye. I could feel her leave, I felt a smile on my face with some tears, but a sense of peace and warms came over me, then a big sigh and some deep breathing, a big weight had lifted from my heart. I went and got Monalisa's ashes and spread it around the garden. My two dogs Becci and Ebony were just watching at first then they started to chase the ashes in the wind, their faces got covered in the ashes it was so funny. Yes, Monalisa had a sense of humour, and always she was very playful, so it all fitted so nicely.
I went back inside sitting down with a cup of tea thinking about Monalisa, all the pain had gone all the guilt, the anger and frustration had gone. I felt blessed in being able to feel such powerful healing with this Sat Kartar meditation! When I think of Monalisa now I see us swimming on the ocean side by side the most amazing experience I ever had with a dog, words cannot do it just.
The meditation Sat Kartar is so powerful just amazing! Kundalini Yoga does work, and it transforms what needs to be transformed, and the healing is on a very deep level. If you feeling grief, sadness, and your heart feels as if there is no love when the flow of love is stuck then this meditation Sat Kartar will help you heal!

Monalisa and me swimming

Monalisa my soulmate